Blackrock G.A.A. Club Lotto took place in Healy's on Wednesday, October 14th. for a jackpot of €6700
The numbers drawn were 5, 6, 24 and 25
The numbers drawn were 5, 6, 24 and 25
Lucky Dip Winners
* Michael McCarthy, Darnstown. (Harry Murphy)
* Mike Fitzpatrick, Forest View, Kilfinane. (Brendan O'Brien)
* Brian Carey, Lower Main Street, Kilfinane. (Brian Carey)
* John Paul Hanrahan, Castle Oliver. (T. Gleeson)
* Margaret Buckley, Vale View, Kilfinane. (Brendan O'Brien)
The draw for Wednesday, October 21st. was scheduled to take place in The Greenwood Inn, Ardpatrick for a jackpot of €6850.
Results next week.